In case you don't know, Pinterest is this super cool website/service/social network thingy that let's you take anything from the internet (or really anywhere, cause you can upload your own stuff) and "pin it" to various board you've created. For instance, I have one entitled "Oh my dear lord drool" which contains lots of amazing looking recipes I want to try, and a few (yes FEW) pictures of my true love, Robert Pattinson.
It is the ULTIMATE time suck, even more so than Facebook. But I feel like it's actually making me be a better stay-at-home-mom. Here's why.
Today, for roughly three hours, my tv-head kids and I did science and crafty DIY home tools. We made "calm down bottles" as Faux-livia calls them. Empty Fiji bottle, glitter, vegetable oil. Fill the bottle with oil, dump the glitter in, glue in the threads inside the cap and screw it on voila. When your little beat needs some time to "think over their choices" or "have a calm down" (that's what we do here most) they shake up the bottle and watch the glitter settle. Faux-livia picked it up mid-tantrum tonight spontaneously. WIN!
We also did a BUNCH of messing around with baking soda, vinegar, water and food coloring. It was awesome. Oh, and we did most of it on our DIY light box/sensory table, which I also found the idea for...on Pinterest.
I've actually made a board entitled "Saturday activities". There's lots of fun, some educational some not, kid-friendly activities that the kids will get to pick from, selecting a few to do each Saturday. Here's why.
Faux-livia's Dad works most Saturday's and we generally chill around the house. After all the educational, hands-on fun had been had and cleaned up I thought "Oh, they can watch something while I get dinner ready". Biggest. Mistake. EVER. WIthin minutes of the movie being turned off they go from the sweet, intelligent angels they were before and (generally) during viewing to the spawn of Satan the SECOND it's turned off. Do anyone else's children do that? One hit the other, then one was wearing the other's shoes, but ON THE WRONG FEET, scratching and pushing and sobbing ensued. I was mixing ground beef for hamburger patties, and they both came over just screaming. The younger one was attempting to shove me (with surprising strength) away from the counter for all he was worth. The elder one was, I think, attempting to return to the comfort of the womb via my rear. I, meanwhile, could not do much as my hands were covered in ground-beef grossness. And then their Dad called and I was awful and yelled at him, and broke down sobbing when he got home because I felt so awful for being such a bitch.
And that's why we won't be watching TV on Saturdays anymore. But Pinterest is still the bomb.
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